Spot-tailed Quoll
Also known as tiger quolls, this species grow up to 1 metre long (including their tail), making them the largest of the six species of quoll and the longest carnivorous marsupial in the world.
Spot-tailed quolls hunt at night and are excellent climbers. They have very strong jaws and sharp teeth, using them to hunt small marsupials and other mammals, reptiles and birds.
If they catch prey or find carrion that is too big to eat in one night, they go back day after day until it is all eaten.
They only live for about 3-4 years, so they have large litters of about 6 babies every year to keep their numbers up.
Spot-tailed quolls are found in rainforests and eucalyptus forests along the east coast of Australia and in Tasmania. They are vulnerable to extinction due to habitat loss and competition from introduced predators such as cats, dogs and foxes.
STATUS – Near Endangered in Victoria
Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park currently holds the Studbook managing the regional captive population, in preparation for involvement in modelled ‘in-situ’ in the wild recovery and restoration projects.
Husbandry Guidelines for this species are available.
Quolls back to the wild
RARES Foundation is working to develop programs to see quolls back in the wild in Victoria.
Eastern quolls are extinct in the wild in Victoria.
Spot-tailed quolls are declining and absent from many places they were once found. The fires the summer of 2019/20 have probably wiped out spot-tailed quolls from many places they were still found.
Our partner, Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park, manages a national breeding program and keeps the studbook for spot-tailed quolls in zoos and wildlife parks across Australia on behalf of the Zoo and Aquarium Association. Moonlit Sanctuary keeps two species of carnivorous marsupials, Tasmanian devils and spot-tailed quolls and has kept and bred eastern quolls in the past.
Managing a healthy captive population is the first step to seeing these wonderful animals returned to the wild.